Friday, February 15, 2013

Staying awake...

In those weird moments that I waken in the middle of the night, I find my brain consumed with the activity of discovering what exactly it is that I am awake for. I usually don't consider myself a worrier but there is one picture that keeps filling my thoughts in these nighttime awakenings. Jonas and I have been doing research on snakes in Zambia and a picture we have come across can be seen below.
This is a picture of a spitting cobra. It lives in Zambia. Its common in Zambia in fact. If you know my children, you know how adventurous they are. Its quite possible they will come across one of these babies on the farm. And in case you are wondering, that is indeed venom. ;) They can spray approximately 6 feet. Don't you just love things that drive you to your knees?

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