Thursday, February 7, 2013

Why the title?

Contrary to one of my good friend's beliefs, the title Diamond in the Rough is not from Disney's Aladdin movie.

Consider this fact: Diamonds are formed under intense heat and pressure.

Diamonds form 100 miles (that's deep!) below the earth's crust. At that depth they are under 725,000 pounds of pressure per square inch (that's pretty heavy!). Diamonds then rush to the earth's surface, cooling the whole way. And at this point, they are still considered "rough". 

Now, I've never been under that much pressure, but sometimes I will say things can get pretty stressful or "heated". The analogy of seeing myself as a diamond still in the rough brings a lot of clarity. (okay...not maybe in the thick of things, but afterwards at least)

Consider this statement: Only in the hands of a master diamond cutter is the sheer beauty of the gem made apparent.

I like this part a lot better! There's hope for all of us yet! I am so thankful for my Master diamond cutter, Jesus! So thankful He has His hands on me! My prayer is that He will continue to make cuts in my life whatever way He deems necessary to let His light shine through me. His glory shining through this lump of coal is what I desire.

Here's some wise words from Paul, written to the Galations. (chapter 6, verses 4-5, this is taken from the Message Bible)
Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, then sink yourself into that. Don't be impressed with yourself. Don't compare yourself with others. Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life.



Ashley Baner said...

Yeah! I would love to keep up with you guys! Hope it works for you this time!

Rachel said...

So glad you have a blog, Carrie! I am also excited to be able to keep up with you in the virtual world :) Love you guys!

Jon y Amy said...

Yay Carrie! Great job. I miss you and hope all is well. MTI is amazing, excited for you to do it!