Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Calvin's Wild Ride

As people have asked me how preparation is going, I have been relating it to the Calvin and Hobbes cartoon that shows Calvin launching his wagon down a very steep hill, dodging rocks, logs, and trees.  Even though it is hard to philosophize on the way down like Calvin does, we continue to see God's faithfulness in every obstacle that comes along.  The "rocks" that cause anxiety and stress melt away through prayer.  The "logs" that threaten to upset our wagon splinter as friends and family pray and support us. 
I have often asked myself recently, "Who am I to assume God can't or won't provide for our family?" or "Are God's resources limited?"  Gently, He reminds me that He is in control, that life isn't about me, and that we need to simply trust and obey.
So, we may reach the bottom of the hill with sticks in our hair, a few bumps and bruises, and dirt in our fingernails, but we were never promised a smooth road. And we look back in appreciation of the teaching God has given us through it.  Why are we so blessed?  To simply be a blessing to others.  This is our prayer for all God's soldiers bravely engaged in the battle.

There, my first blog post ever.  I humbly submit it to the world wide web, launch it into cyberspace, and send it to the blogosphere (whatever that is).  May God be glorified.


We leave this Saturday 4-13 for North Fort Myers FL.  I will be attending a week long Tropical Ag Training through ECHO (Educational Concerns for Hunger Organization).  Carrie and the kids will hopefully find time to relax a little and reconnect after 2 months of very busy preparation, presentations,  and travelling.  We also look forward to family coming out to Leo May 4th and 5th to help us prepare the house to sell, sort through stuff, etc.  We then leave May 11 for MTI training in Palmer Lake, CO.  We will be there for 4 weeks.  Thanks for your continued prayers and support.


Kyle and Trish said...

We'll be praying for you guys! Lots of familiar feelings there.

T and M said...

love & prayers your way : ) I love the visual image of 4 wild wiegand kids careening down the hill Calvin & Hobbes style! yeehaw what a wild ride is life in the Spirit!

Nichole said...

Way to go, Erik! First blog post ever :) I too love the image of a Calvin and Hobbes style ride down the hill. praying for safe travel, effective learning, and precious family time.