Saturday, April 20, 2013


We were blessed this week to spend time in Florida. The beaches were amazing, weather glorious, surroundings beautiful, and the companionship was excellent. I love spending time with our kids. They are great! Watching them interact together, their excitement about anything new, they have such a zest for life! They keep me laughing constantly and I can't think of anyone I would rather spend the week with. Well, other than my husband;) He spent the daylight hours at ECHO in training. He absolutely loved his time there as well. (He says he will post later).

As we told the children goodnight and turned out the light in our small bedroom, my son said, "This has been awesome, but it will be so great to be home again. Goodnight mom and dad, love you." With those sweet words, I lost it. A huge lump rose in my throat, and tears poured down my cheeks. "Home?" I thought, "everything this child sees as 'home' will be disappearing in a few short weeks. How in the world do I help him handle this?" I went to the bathroom, closed the door, sat in the darkness and blew my nose, repeatedly. I was a total mess. As I sat there, I realized the only one struggling with this was...myself. I also know the kids will take their cues from me. I sat and talked to my Father, blew my nose again, and surrendered anew to His gloriously exciting plan. Can't wait to see what's around the bend!


Nichole said...

This world is not my home, I'm just a passin' through....
Makes us want to keep that eternal focus even more, huh? Praying for you, sister, and giving you a hug through the miles.

T and M said...

glad you got this sweet time with your family : ) love you! m