Monday, June 24, 2013

snapshots of departure

We are all doing well. Our checklists are becoming smaller every day as departure day draws nearer. Erik booked tickets this morning. Our official leave date is August 13th. Wow. I can't believe it. 

I wanted to give you all a quick view of what fills our days. Currently I am sitting in the waiting room of our dentist. The kids are all having their final cleanings. When Erik came in for his final cleaning, our dentist took the time to pray with Erik for our family and the work the Lord has allowed us to be a part of in Zambia.  We jam packed our calendar with awesome and amazing people and events for our last few weeks in IN before we move to IL to be with our families. We feel so incredibly blessed as we reminisce together as a family about all that God has done in our lives.

Enough tell it better than words...I will try to get them chronologically...

Before we left for MTI, our amazing family came to IN to help us prepare the house to sell. It. was. incredible. They did everything from painting, weed whacking,and drywall patching, to window washing, closet and cupboard emptying. This is how they were greeted when they arrrived. Aren't my children so sweet? Also note that I was unable to get the pic without showing myself. oh wait...that's Erik. hee hee:)
There wasn't much left in the house after our work day, but we packed up the rest in a U-haul and took it to IL. I came outside to discover this.
A couple of other things that have been knocked off the list:
police clearance for Erik and myself:
While we were at the sheriff's office a kind officer took the time to "swear my kids in". I rather liked how he made my children pledge to obey their parents at all times before he gave them a badge and a flashlight. ;)

The last thing on our list is goodbyes. No check yet...we are discovering this is a process. We sat down as a family one evening with many sheets of paper. Each paper had a category. For example one was titled, Things. We went around the room and shared everything we would miss about each category. Some things that made the "things" list were; refrigerated milk, DeBrands chocolates, our church's Family Camp, McDonalds, our favorite Fort Wayne restaurants, Parkview Field, and the library.

From each category we tried to prioritize the things we wanted to see and do before we depart. So far we have accomplished: canoeing the Maumee river, going to a TinCaps game and buying Rickers' slushies. I know...priorities, priorities :)

Here are  the kids having one last romp in the creek by our house with their self designed "critter catchin' wagon."

All things considered, we are well. The processing of emotions is exhausting but we find ourselves so thankful that we serve such a good God that constantly reminds us of His love and presence. To Him be the glory.


Nichole said...

This has been my daily prayer for you: that your would be able to make healthy, sweet goodbyes to all the things that have been a part of you here on this side of the ocean. love you.

At Last Christina Smith Photography said...

Thank you for taking the time for this update Carrie! I have your departure date on our calendar and our family has been in prayer for yours almost every night. I was curious how house selling was going too? God is so great and I know He, of course, already has that part figured out as well! Love and prayers to all of you guys!