Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Well, it has begun. The preparation part. Finding out what vaccinations are recorded and what the schedule is for getting them. Taking passport photos. Registering for training. Each day we are attempting to sort through something or someplace in the house. Suitcases are multiplying in the garage. We are now up to 14. The kids are having to make daily decisions about what things they value most in their life. Does it go into the storage tote, the Zambia tote, garage sale box, Grandma's house or the cousin's box? I knew sorting would be hard for us, but I didn't calculate the emotional toll it would take on all of us. We have had a lot of great laughs as we have pulled out things from their younger days. Old books I used to read to them were met with exclaims of delight and demands of me reading it to them again. They didn't understand why I was crying as we cuddled on the couch and read Ping together. I mean, for pete's sake mom, this book is about a duck! Yes, I know, but its so much more than that. It's me realizing how blessed we are living together, having shared memories together. People who love us and care for us. We are healthy, we are safe. We have food to eat today...and tomorrow...and the next day. All of the things I take for granted that I know will be lacking in a lot of the people's lives we have the opportunity to serve. I am struck by the fact that the most important thing I can do to prepare my children's hearts is to PRAY! Pray He will enlarge our hearts for the Zambian people. Pray He will give us opportunities to serve children living in extreme poverty. Pray He will help us to share our resources. Pray His love will fill our hearts to overflowing and it will pour out onto others. Pray that He will be glorified in all we do as a family.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Staying awake...

In those weird moments that I waken in the middle of the night, I find my brain consumed with the activity of discovering what exactly it is that I am awake for. I usually don't consider myself a worrier but there is one picture that keeps filling my thoughts in these nighttime awakenings. Jonas and I have been doing research on snakes in Zambia and a picture we have come across can be seen below.
This is a picture of a spitting cobra. It lives in Zambia. Its common in Zambia in fact. If you know my children, you know how adventurous they are. Its quite possible they will come across one of these babies on the farm. And in case you are wondering, that is indeed venom. ;) They can spray approximately 6 feet. Don't you just love things that drive you to your knees?

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Why the title?

Contrary to one of my good friend's beliefs, the title Diamond in the Rough is not from Disney's Aladdin movie.

Consider this fact: Diamonds are formed under intense heat and pressure.

Diamonds form 100 miles (that's deep!) below the earth's crust. At that depth they are under 725,000 pounds of pressure per square inch (that's pretty heavy!). Diamonds then rush to the earth's surface, cooling the whole way. And at this point, they are still considered "rough". 

Now, I've never been under that much pressure, but sometimes I will say things can get pretty stressful or "heated". The analogy of seeing myself as a diamond still in the rough brings a lot of clarity. (okay...not maybe in the thick of things, but afterwards at least)

Consider this statement: Only in the hands of a master diamond cutter is the sheer beauty of the gem made apparent.

I like this part a lot better! There's hope for all of us yet! I am so thankful for my Master diamond cutter, Jesus! So thankful He has His hands on me! My prayer is that He will continue to make cuts in my life whatever way He deems necessary to let His light shine through me. His glory shining through this lump of coal is what I desire.

Here's some wise words from Paul, written to the Galations. (chapter 6, verses 4-5, this is taken from the Message Bible)
Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, then sink yourself into that. Don't be impressed with yourself. Don't compare yourself with others. Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life.